Mystery Blogger Award



  • Feature the award logo/image on your post
  • List the rules
  • Thank the blogger that nominated you
  • Tell the readers 3 things about yourself
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well –> [Okoto Enigma]
  • Answer the questions provided
  • Nominate 10-20 bloggers and notify them by commenting on their blog
  • Ask the nominees 5 questions of my choice with one weird/funny question (specify)
  • Share and link to your best post(s)

Self-reflection Healing aka Love Alchemy has nominated me for a Mystery Blogger Award originally created by Okoto Enigma. It’s been awhile since I had a nomination and I am very grateful for this honor the exquisite poet Love Alchemy has shown me. He might be new to my 42. Cyber Corps Army, but he is a valuable trooper that I grew to like and respect.

Now let’s hit the tasks.

3 things about me

It is rather hard to pick just 3 things to list. We are all complex beings, so to extract only 3 traits from a human would be insufficient. Ah, the rules we must obey, or fall down to chaos and disorder.

  1. I am tradesman with a high school degree, a preschool teacher with University degree, an amateur writer, an amateur illustrator, liker of all forms of art, talented in all sorts of art except music and I am a blogger.
  2. I don’t support violence, but I am fascinated by it, therefore I am trying to understand the causes and the effects of it.
  3. My real name is Nenad, which means (in Serbian) “the one who surprised us”

Questions I was asked

  1. What did your past relationship teach you?

Never been in a long lasting relationship. That’s why I never write about love, because I am uneducated of ways of love. To make this even more sad, I am not interested in love, nor I am in search for my soulmate.

2. What one thing do people always misunderstand about you?

My personal convictions about many of -isms are considered radical to some extent and often people classify me as a radical, connect me with radical movements, even though I am not aggressively pushing my personal opinions onto others. To give an example, I believe that terrorism and racism can not be solved by pure violence, but must be fought ideologically and methodically to the point where bad ideas are being constantly challenged and change provoked within the enemy group (from the inside), sort of pacifying the enemy with showing them the alternative route, turning them to a good side. People often think I defend terrorism, but forget that one’s man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter, so which is which and how can YOU tell them apart? This is what I strive to find out.

3. What makes you feel accomplished?

Accomplishments make me feel accomplished? *nervous grin

4. What is your favorite song?

Lately I can’t push this song out of my head.

5. Weird Question: What would you name your boat if you had one?  If you already do, what did you name it?

First of all, I don’t know how to swim, but I can dive like an anchor. I just sink well. Now, if I had a boat, I would name it “Armadron” like my main character is being called in my unpublished novel.

I hope this answered your curiosity and burning questions about me. I do understand if someone is not sharing the same opinions with me and that is 0K, as long there are no fists flying around. Our strength is diversity and uniqueness. We all have our thoughts and no matter how different they are, they belong to us. A little bit more tolerance and respect is what our society needs, specially now when everybody grows intolerant to all sort of things.

My Nominations

I nominate my Sergeants and LT.’s , because I got a lot of them. I think their blogs should be rewarded, because they put a lot of their time, emotions and energy to provide us all with a quality content. To these people, I salute.


Sg. I Teodora, Sg. I Nash, Sg. I Ruth, Sg. I  Stella, Sg. I  Yuvi, Sg. I  Susan, Sg. I  Hayley, Sg. I  Jaismine,


Lt. I Obioma, Lt. I Stoner, Lt. I Piper

My Questions for them

  1. What were you like as a child?
  2. What is your favourite dish?
  3. What is your favourite vacation destination?
  4. Describe a perfect moment with a loved one.
  5. Wierd question: What would be your weapon of choice if you were presented with a bad person in front of you?

As always, here’s a Kitten. It is just a web cat, nothing else, but it seems, you guys have developed affection for it. 😀


DRONSTAD Facebook page for instant notifications.

You liked that? Why would anybody in the whole wide world do such a thing? Ah, well, here’s some more.

Liebster Award 2017


100 Followers Checkpoint Reached


10 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award

  1. Pingback: Mystery Blogger Award #2 | Dronstad

  2. Pingback: The Most Active Blogger Award | Dronstad

  3. Pingback: Memorylane | Dronstad

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