Nighttime blabbering 973

I might be more absent in the upcoming days because I had a tragedy in my family, and we are currently mourning my grandmother. This tragedy caught us by surprise, as every tragedy does; therefore, I am all broken up, confused, and delirious occasionally. Our customs dictate we should avoid music, entertainment, and other celebratory activities during the forty days of mourning. We also shouldn’t watch TV, use technology, play no sounds, or participate in any social gatherings, but I am bending the rules here and have my computer on because I am working on a novel and doing other things that pay my bills. We can’t avoid technology because of the modern era, and most work is digital today, so some technology usage is allowed. If I didn’t turn on my computer and begin editing the sequel, I am afraid my mind would sink into a dark place, engulfed in sorrow, and I need a vent. The next Friday and onward, I hope to begin working on some chores and get my mind away from what happened. Physical activity is one of the ways to steer the mind to some other place where dark thoughts don’t dwell, and I know my family needs a break from all of this. I lost my grandmother, but I can only imagine how my father feels after losing his mother and how my grandfather feels after seventy years of becoming a widower. This loss kicked us off balance, and we will need time to assemble ourselves. If the blabbering is late, or I am not posting as frequently as before, I am giving you a heads-up.

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