Cover Reveal for Dronstad – The Quarantine

My story began 7 years ago with a simple idea of a city collapsing within the self. I only had that one scene in my mind and nothing more. It lingered for about 2 years before I took it seriously.

After those two years of pondering, pieces of information finding their way to me, I was more and more ready to start writing. It only seemed logical, since I was obtaining lots of info about war, politics, class system, war zones, refugees, devastation and destruction. It helped me because I was already following the rise of terrorist states, the efforts to contain the spread of vile ideas onto the body of other states, the sheer fright from what war is, gossips about chaos. The idea took hold and there was no other way for me to liberate my mind but to write it down, express.

The first novel, Dronstad I named it, was written in nine months. I didn’t stop there. I wrote two more while searching for the people to help me get it in order. And I found them 3 years ago. Editing took me about two years, the changes were made, parts deleted, little corrections added and it’s finally ready.

Soon, you will see me as an author. I am getting there. Thanks to you, my Commanders, my blog friends, my Cyber Corpse, the army of readers, I am finally getting there.

This would not even be possible if there wasn’t for the AVKF – Science Fiction Association that helped me get proficient at this.

Feast your eyes on what will be the cover for my first novel ever written.

This was the old one.


And this is the new one, the one that will see the light of day, the one that I really love, done by MILIJANA TADIN.


So, what do you think? Good? Bad? Loved to hear from you.

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